
Participation is the first strategic pillar in Table Tennis Australia’s (TTA) new Strategic Plan (2023-2025) as we seek to connect all Australians with table tennis. A key outcome of the plan is to support clubs to access appropriate facilities.

TTA’s Equipment & Facilities Grant Program provides an opportunity for grassroots table tennis clubs & associations across Australia to purchase new equipment; or assist with the upgrade/improvement of local table tennis facilities.

As per last year, maximum funding of up to $4,000 (facilities) or up to $2,000 (equipment) is available for a limited number of eligible affiliated table tennis clubs & associations every year. TTA will consider funding up to a maximum of 50% of the project’s total value (within funding category limits). However, applicants should only apply for the amount needed.

Whilst every endeavour will be made to fund successful grants for requested matched amounts, this is not always possible. If partial funding is offered, the original full project/value of applications will still be expected.

Grant Overview

How to Apply

The 2024 Equipment and Facility Grant applications will open on Monday, 17th March 2025. All grant applications must be made via the official application form and submitted to by 5pm (ACST) on Monday, 14th April 2025. 

Applications can be submitted one of the following two ways:

  1. Download the grant application form below, complete and email to
  2. Submit online via the "Optional Online Submission" option below. 

Applications will not be accepted after the closing date and only fully completed applications will be considered. All applicants will be notified in writing within four weeks of the grant closing date.

For more information, please contact Aaron Tuckfield, General Manager - Operations and Community on 0448 311 622.


(Available 17th March)