

What is classification?

Para-sport exists so that athletes with an impairment have equal opportunities to compete and be successful in sports. The classification system for Para-sport groups athletes with similar impairments into categories for competition.


Impairment Type

Who is eligible to compete in Table Tennis? Athletes with a physical impairment or an intellectual impairment.



Athletes who want to compete Nationally or Internationally are initially classified into classes depending on their functional ability and whether they compete sitting or standing.

Athletes with an physical impairment: Athletes with an intellectual impairment:

TT 1-5 (seated players)

TT 6-10 (ambulant players)




How Participants Are Classified

Athletes with a physical impairment

Classification is managed nationally by Table Tennis Australia. Athletes who are interested in getting classified should get in contact with Kara Retford, National Development Coordinator  (Para) at: 

 Click Here to Access the Request for Athlete Classification Form


Athletes with an intellectual impairment

Classification is managed nationally by Sport Inclusion Australia and supported by Table Tennis Australia. Athletes who are interested in getting classified should initially visit the Sport Inclusion Australia website for more information:



For more information about Classification view the following documents:

 PA_What is Classification

 Para-Table Tennis Classification Information Sheet <-What impairments would qualify you as a Para Athlete 

TTA National Athlete Classification Pathway


TTA National Classification Documents:

All these documents are applicable to National Classification in Australia.

TTA Classification Rules Policy_Updated Oct 2023

TTA Athlete Classification Policy_Updated Oct 2023

TTA Classification Medical Review Request Form

TTA Classification Protest Form

Intentional Misrepresentation


International Classification Information:

For information relating to international classification including the international classification rules please visit the ITTF-PTT website:


Athlete Classification Masterlist

Table Tennis Australia manages the National Table Tennis Athlete Classification Masterlist. This list includes athletes who have been classified as per ITTF-PTT Classification Rules or Paralympics Australia / TTA Classification Policy. To view the full list click on the following document:

 Athlete Masterlist_January_2025



Become a Classifier

A Classifier is an official who provides sport-specific classification assessments, to determine in which class an athlete with an impairment will compete. Classifiers work in a voluntary capacity at a State, National, and International level.


Types of Classifiers 

Medical Classifiers are either medical doctors, physiotherapists, psychologists, or ophthalmic professionals depending on the impairment group they classify for.

Technical Classifiers are those who have a very high level of technical expertise in their particular sport. In addition, they should also have an understanding of the impairment groups that are involved with their sport. They may be experienced coaches, sports scientists or human movement specialists, or experienced ex-athletes.

For more information on becoming an Australian Classifier please view the following documents:

TTA Classifier Training & Certification Pathway

 Classifier EOI_Table Tennis

To find out more about becoming a Classifier, please contact Sue Stevenson - General Manager - National Para Program at: