TTA to Implement New Coaching and Officiating Courses and Accreditation System

Published Wed 30 Jan 2019

Last year Sport Australia announced it was discontinuing the National Coaches Accreditation Scheme (NCAS) and the National Officials Accreditation Scheme (NOAS). As a result, it has been determined the best way forward is to amend the current courses and accreditations to be an internal, TTA system.

A summary of the changes are: 
-    The National Coaches Accreditation Scheme (NCAS) and National Officials Accreditation Scheme (NOAS) has been discontinued by Sport Australia. 
-    TTA will replace the NCAS/NOAS courses and accreditations with TTA courses and accreditations.
-    The ordering and payment method for courses and accreditations has been updated. 
-    The pricing structure for courses and accreditations has been updated.
-    The re-accreditation process for coaches has been updated. 
-    A re-accreditation process for officials will be implemented for the first time.

It is envisaged that the following improvements will be realised by making the changes:
1)    The number of coaches and officials will likely increase, benefitting athletes and tournaments.
2)    We will actively move towards the coaching and officials targets listed in the new TTA Strategic Plan.
3)    Coaching and officiating will be given increased exposure.
4)    State/Territory Associations will be given more assistance to increase the number of coaches and officials in their State/Territory, thereby building capacity.

To view a full overview of the new system, please click here or download from the attachment below.
