Sean Shwe Appointed to TTA Board

Published Fri 22 Jul 2022

TTA is pleased to announce that Sean Shwe has been appointed to fill the casual vacancy as an Elected Director on the TTA Board. Shwe’s initial term will be until the 2023 TTA AGM, however he can seek re-election for a further term at that time. Shwe’s appointment comes after the application process overseen by the TTA Nominations & Remuneration Committee and then formalised through the TTA Board.

Shwe is highly credentialed to take on the role. A Fellow of Australian Institute of Management, his qualifications include a Master of Business Administration degree, a Bachelor of Commerce degree and a Diploma of Business. Shwe currently sits on multiple Boards inside and outside of sport, has founded and currently runs multiple businesses and most recently has served as the Vice President of Table Tennis Western Australia.

Upon joining the TTA Board, Shwe commented, “I’m incredibly excited to join the Board of such a dynamic and forward thinking national sporting association. From the successful turnaround of the organisation in the last few years to navigating through the unprecedented challenges and uncertainties created by the COVID-19 pandemic, TTA is well positioned to emerge stronger than ever before, in terms of overall participation and performance. As TTA turns its exciting new chapter of quantum growth in the years ahead, I’m looking forward to contributing to its further success in my role on the Board.”

TTA President Graham Symons was pleased with Shwe’s appointment, “On behalf of the TTA Board, I welcome Sean as a Director. We have great confidence that Sean adds valuable skills and experience to the Board and he’ll be a real asset moving forward. There was a very strong field of candidates, however Sean was the standout choice and we look forward to working with him as we finalise our existing strategic plan and develop our next strategic plan”.

Congratulations Sean!
