TTA Staffing Update

As part of broader financial, operational and administrative reforms that are currently taking place, there have been some recent changes within the TTA staff.

Vale Peter Mascall

It is with regret that we advise the passing ofPeter Mascall from Western Australia.

DAY 7 Wrap – Yan and Lay Claim Top Honours

The 2017 Australian Senior Championships came to a close on Saturday 30 September in Adelaide with Chris Yan and Jian Fang Lay claiming the coveted Men’s and Women’s Singles crowns.

Scott Houston Appointed Interim CEO of TTA

The Board of TTA are pleased to announce that Scott Houston has been appointed to the role of Interim CEO. Scott will remain in the role until after the 2018 Commonwealth Games, after which time a permanent appointment will be made.

Sam’s stay benefits youngsters

While on a recent family holiday to the Gold Coast, Paralympic athlete Sam von Einem took time out to promote table tennis to local youngsters.