Vale Bill Bates

It is with deep regret, we announce the sad passing of Bill Bates, aged 88. Bill was much loved and admired by all table tennis players Australia wide.

Miao Miao Appointed as National Assistant Coach

TTA is pleased to announce that Australian great Miao Miao has been appointed as National Assistant Coach for both the able-bodied and para teams and programs in a full-time capacity on a four year contract.

TTA Strategic Plan Survey Now Open

TTA is in the process of developing a new 2019-2022 Strategic Plan. A key part of the development phase is ensuring that all stakeholders have the opportunity to contribute and put their views forward - this will ensure the finished product is stakeholder centred and stakeholder driven, which will undoubtedly lead to the best possible outcome.


Table Tennis Australia (TTA) is excited to launch the new national Volunteer Recognition Program, with nominations for the 2018 National Volunteer of the Year Awards now open....

Applications Now Open - TTA Nominations Committee

As TTA continues to implement best practice governance procedures as part of its strategic, operational and administrative reforms, we are pleased to announce that applications are now being sought for the newly created TTA Nominations Committee.